TWF workshops designed to sharpen outdoor skills


The Tennessee Wildlife Federation is hosting two adult workshops in March that are focused on creating the next generation of outdoor enthusiasts. These workshops will be held in Jackson.

The workshops are part of the Federation’s Hunting and Fishing Academy, which offers Tennesseans opportunities to expand their knowledge and passion for the outdoors through virtual classes, experiences, and workshops. The academy provides youth and adults with immersive experiences to learn and sharpen the outdoor skills needed to enjoy hunting and fishing for a lifetime.

For every 10 sportsmen and women today, only seven are growing up to take their place. Hunters and anglers are the main source of funding for wildlife conservation in Tennessee and are leading advocates for policies that promote good stewardship of our natural resources. Fostering young sportsmen and women is vital to securing the future of Tennessee’s wildlife.

The Hunt Master Training Workshop will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, March 4. The workshop is designed for outdoor enthusiasts who want to be a vital part of recruiting the next generation into the outdoors for a lifetime. 

Volunteer Hunt Masters lead TWF academy experiences and can serve in a variety of ways whether fully leading an immersive three-day hunt or assisting as a cook, a guide, or a skills instructor. The $75 registration covers meals and beverages during the training and all course materials. Register at 

On Saturday, March 11, the Turkey Hunting Workshop will be held from 9 a.m. to noon. It is one of the most action-packed ways to enjoy Tennessee’s great outdoors. Instructors will walk individuals through everything they need to know to be successful this season. There will be something to be learned whether individuals are brand new to turkey hunting or just want to brush up on old skills. During the workshop, light snacks and refreshments will be served. Register at 

Both workshops will be held on the Bowen property, located at Bowen Land, 3541 US Hwy. 70 in Jackson. If you have any questions, contact TWF’s West Tennessee Field Representative Chris Hearn at