Easter Bunny to deliver books to CES

CUPID STRIKES AGAIN – On Valentine’s Day last month, Cupid delivered books to students at Camden Elementary School. According to Librarian Barbara Winters, the Easter Bunny will deliver special books to CES students this month on Thursday and Friday, March 30-31.

Mother Goose books will return to Camden Elementary School (CES) next week when the Easter Bunny stops by to make deliveries for Easter.

The Easter Bunny will visit CES on Thursday and Friday, March 30-31, to deliver books purchased in honor or in memory of special individuals. These books also make great “in honor” Easter gifts for teachers. 

Sponsored by the CES Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), this program is a wonderful way to build up the catalog of books in the CES library. The books ultimately become a part of the school library and are a treasured memory for many children. 

No child forgets receiving or giving a book to the library in honor of someone special. During their years at CES, kids return to their favorite books again and again before moving on to other titles as their reading comprehension and skills develop.

Books cost from $7-15 and must be purchased from the library by the end of school on Tuesday, March 28, in order to place a bookplate with the honoree's name and/or picture in the book. To purchase an in honor or in memory title for the CES library, please contact librarian Barbara Winters at Barbara.Winters@bcos.org or by calling CES at 731-584-4918.