Apply now for 2023 specialty crop block grants


The Tennessee Department of Agriculture (TDA) is now accepting applications for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP).
SCBGP funds are granted to enhance production and competitiveness of specialty crops, including fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, tree nuts, honey, floriculture, and other nursery crops.
“With the diverse range of crops produced throughout Tennessee, I’m proud that we can offer this program to further enhance the value of our specialty crops,” Agriculture Commissioner Dr. Charlie Hatcher said. “If you have an education or research-driven project in mind, we encourage you to reach out to our office to learn more about this opportunity.”
The grant program supports initiatives that directly affect multiple Tennessee producers and provide a learning foundation for future generations of specialty crop growers. Producers, universities, institutions, cooperatives, industry, and community-based organizations are eligible to apply.
To submit a proposal for funding, download and complete the TDA applicant information sheet and the 2023 project template.
Applicants must email completed paperwork to no later than close of business on Wednesday, March 15.
First-time recipients have a funding limit of $25,000.
The project template, performance measures, and information required to apply are available online at For more information about the USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant Program, email