Apex Bank hosts breakfast with Santa

BREAKFAST WITH SANTA – Clockwise from center, Santa and Apex Bank volunteers Pamela Blaylock, Pam Cline, Travis Hatler, Rita Hatler, Tamara Mitchell, Gary Greer, Tim Patterson, and Shelby Hatler enjoyed a fun morning sharing breakfast with area kids.

By Bobby Flash Melton

"Breakfast with Santa," an annual event sponsored each December by Apex Bank, was held last Saturday morning at the bank's community room on Hwy. 641 North in Camden.

During the two-hour program, children were able to visit with Santa Claus for a picture and tell him what they want for Christmas when he journeys back to Camden from the North Pole on Christmas Eve. Following their quality time with Santa, each child was presented with a gift bag of holiday candy and other items courtesy of Apex Bank. 

Kids and their caregivers were then directed to a table where they could select from a variety of treats to enjoy like donuts, cookies, and pastries as well as a favorite drink such as milk or juice. 

Bank officials reported that 164 gift bags were handed out to children during the event. They estimate that with caregivers included, approximately 225 people attended the morning activity. 

Santa Claus himself noted that he was very pleased to be back in Camden to see everyone. "Many of these kids have grown quite a bit since I saw them last year and are well on their way to becoming outstanding youth leaders. I know their parents are proud of them and I am, too," Santa said. “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!”  

Breakfast with Santa is one of many community events sponsored by Apex Bank each year. Other annual events include a luncheon for retired teachers, a ministers' appreciation breakfast, Cornerstone Carnival, community Easter egg hunt, Fourth of July fish fry, and a Veterans' appreciation salute.