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  • Why You Should Choose Stainless Steel Brewing Equipment

Why You Should Choose Stainless Steel Brewing Equipment

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Why You Should Choose Stainless Steel Brewing Equipment

Old breweries used wooden caskets to create their concoctions. Traditionally, wood—primarily oak—housed different liquids to ferment them so that they’d achieve those unique, oaky flavor notes. However, no one uses wood anymore—modern breweries use stainless steel tanks. Every brewer should know why they should choose stainless steel brewing equipment for their business.

Stainless Steel Equipment Is Easier To Clean

Wood was once the prime choice for creating alcoholic beverages, but the process wasn’t always tidy. In the past, wood caskets were used repeatedly without going through a cleaning process in between batches. Overall, a beer crafted from a used wooden barrel wouldn’t taste right, and it would contain leftover residue and waste materials from the previous concoction. Stainless steel, on the other hand, is much easier to maintain and clean than wood.

You Won’t Have To Worry About Leaks

Stainless steel tools don’t leak, so you won’t need to worry about cleaning up puddles between brewing periods. In the past, brewers had to create multiple batches of beer in case their wood caskets leaked. However, stainless steel can withstand many difficulties, including leaks. Using stainless steel equipment poses no risk for holes or any other damage.

No More Degraded Gear

The biggest issue that older breweries had was degraded materials. Brewers had to tend to their equipment and replace parts more often, and replacement was a time-consuming, costly procedure. Degraded equipment becomes a hassle to maintain, and eventually, it cannot keep up with the work. However, a quality material such as stainless steel goes through rigorous processes to become oxide resistant, and now, stainless steel is the material of choice for brewing equipment.

Chemicals Won’t Absorb Into the Brew

Almost anything could absorb into the drink when breweries still used wood caskets. Customers often experienced bad aftertastes from the leftover residue that lingered at the bottom of the barrels. Stainless steel does a phenomenal job at preventing contaminants from seeping into the brew. All in all, stainless steel better balances the taste without risking cross contamination.

Stainless Steel Is Environmentally Friendly

Stainless steel machines can last for years, reducing the need to upgrade or buy more supplies. In turn, this reduces to need for manufacturers to create more of these machines. Stainless steel is therefore an environmentally friendly choice for the brewing industry.

Stainless steel brewing systems are all-around better alternatives than wooden caskets. They’re eco-friendly and durable, and they prevent unwanted chemicals from ruining the flavor notes of your blend.

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