Tips for Hiring the Best Dental Staff

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A business is only as good as its staff. Without talented, hardworking employees who are committed to fulfilling your practice’s goals, your business will likely struggle. As such, it is important to refine your practice’s hiring process so that you can develop an ideal staff who will help advance your business’s success. These are some of our top tips for hiring the best dental staff possible.

Take your time during the hiring process

Often, dental practices rush through the hiring process in order to fill open positions as quickly as possible. Doing so, however, can result in a bad hire, which ends up wasting a lot of time and money in the long run. That’s why essential tips for hiring the best dental staff possible include taking your time to carefully sort through resumes and conducting in-depth interviews. Doing so will help you better determine if a candidate will be beneficial to your practice or end up bringing down the rest of your team.

Perfect your job description

Your job description’s quality will largely impact the amount and quality of applicants you receive. The job description for your open position is your opportunity to outline exactly what you need and want in an employee for the given position. You should detail the role’s daily responsibilities, what qualifications are necessary, and the performance expectations you have.

Often, dental practices make the mistake of creating job descriptions that are either too vague or far too detailed. When descriptions don’t provide enough information on the role’s requirements, you’ll likely receive a large number of unfit or unqualified applicants. If you include too much information on your job description, however, applicants may not bother to read all of it. As such, it is important to be as clear and concise as possible.

Check references

Applicants are on their best behavior when doing interviews and only highlight their finest qualities on their resumes. To get a better idea of how an applicant will act once they get the position, it’s always a good idea to check their references. By contacting their references, you can get an honest opinion of their work ethic and better determine if they are right for the position.

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