The Personality Traits of a Beekeeper

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If communing with nature sounds like the perfect way to spend an afternoon or curiosity drives you, you are a beekeeper at heart. This time-honored activity attracts a certain kind of person, an introverted nature lover who just wants to explore. Read on to learn about the personality traits of a beekeeper and see if the hobby might appeal to you.

A Lover of Nature

Bees are a central part of the worldwide ecosystem: their pollinating abilities make them the driving force behind forests, prairies, gardens, etc. Beekeepers are fascinated by this interconnectedness. They appreciate how their bees pollinate the plants, which feed the herbivores, which feed the carnivores, which die and decompose into the flora. Beekeepers are aware of and appreciate how they become a part of that great cycle.


One of the personality traits of a beekeeper is curiosity. Often, the job of a beekeeper is to observe and investigate the activity within their hives. Did the bees accept the queen? Do they have enough honey for the winter? Why are there so many dead bees on the outside of the hive? Beekeepers should have constant questions and a constant drive to find the answers.


Beekeepers are bound to run into roadblocks eventually. Sometimes a hive will reject a new queen, the bees will die for seemingly no reason, or pests will attack the hive. But a true beekeeper does not get discouraged. These obstacles are welcome challenges that toughen and improve a person’s beekeeping resolve and abilities.


Though some beekeepers work together, the hobby is usually conducted as a solo mission. Beekeepers often want to be left alone with their bees. They want to commune with nature in focused, uninterrupted solitude. For that reason, beekeepers are often introverted, sensitive individuals.

If you are not yet a beekeeper but think you may possess the personality traits to tackle the hobby, you should do some research on how to start a hive. This is the start of an excellent adventure.

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