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Rules for Sports Parents to Follow at Games


Sports are an excellent activity to get your children involved in at an early age. There are some sports parents, however, who take it too far and forget that it’s just a game. Many parents try to live through their child when they enter the sports world, and it can escalate quickly. Take note of these rules for sports parents at games so you can support and encourage them in a healthy manner.

Don’t Be A Coach

There is nothing more annoying for the coach, fans, umpire, and players than hearing a parent coach their kid. As a parent, you need to understand your place in the game and respect the coach’s decisions. You’ll only distract your child if they see you yelling from the stands. Root for the team, but don’t make yourself known.

Avoid Arguing with the Umpire

Parents who argue with the umpire are equally distracting. It’s understandable that you want to stick up for your child’s team, but when you’re the parent, you don’t have any impact on the outcome of the game—and it should remain that way. Another important rule for sports parents at games is to not drink alcohol at a game either, because things can really spiral out of control.

Offer Encouragement

Instead of arguing with umpires and coaching your child, offer words of encouragement. A parent should be a positive force at the game to help players pick themselves up when they fail. Don’t antagonize them or push them through an injury, either. Celebrate the successes and be there to support them.

A parent’s role in a child’s sports career is to set them up for success outside the game. This means finding a travel team to make them better, buying them high-quality equipment, and encouraging them to drink more water so they can prevent injuries.