Trucking is a job that requires operating a vehicle for multiple days at a time. For a newcomer to the industry, this might sound exhausting. In some cases, it can be. This guide will take you through how truckers prevent fatigue on the road in order to stay safe and efficient at all times.
If you’re a trucker, you should know how to spot the signs that you are becoming drowsy, which is one of the biggest hazards of night driving. Some folks who pride themselves on having a strong work ethic might feel the need to push on through the drowsiness, but this can be very dangerous. To avoid falling asleep at the wheel, professional truckers know when to get behind the wheel and when to step away. Doing this is much more beneficial than chugging an energy drink or other energy-boosters.
It’s for this reason that truckers go out of their way to get a good night’s rest throughout their trips. By maintaining a consistent sleep schedule during which you get enough rest through the night, you can have the energy to safely get behind the wheel during the day. Plus, the consistency should help your body get into a rhythm during your trip, which will prevent feeling fatigued at random intervals throughout the day.
Of course, it should go without saying, but truckers have to maintain a healthy diet during their trip to keep their energy up during the day. Good truckers don’t fall into the temptation of every fast food joint they pass by. A roadside burger is fine every so often, but eating healthy meals at regular intervals throughout the day will keep you awake and alert on the road.
However, even the pros may get drowsy during the day. To further help them avoid the effects of fatigue, smart truckers will pull over and take quick naps or rest stops during the day. Even if you’ve gotten enough sleep the previous night, your body may tell you to rest up for a short break, so listen to it.
Another method for how truckers prevent fatigue on the road is by being mindful of the medications they take. This is because many medications produce various symptoms, with a very common one being drowsiness. Truckers who have taken medications that can induce drowsiness should not be handling a vehicle at the time. Luckily, this is a discussion typically had during the hiring period, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise to truckers during their first day on the job.
As you can see, drowsiness and fatigue are big issues in the trucking industry, which is why there are so many methods for counteracting them. The reason you don’t hear about truck crashes more often is because so many of the pros take these guidelines to heart to create a safe environment for them and everyone around them.