City pool construction continues with an additional $6,914.55 expenditure added for a new sump pump to control ground water. The original contract with RenoSys Corporation out of Indiana, was for $685,000. The new contract sum is $691,914. The board unanimously approved the sump pump in hopes the pool will be ready for next season.
Other items discussed at Monday night’s city council meeting included the need for a new School Resource Officer with the city police department. Police Chief George Smith said the department recently lost Randy Kelly who went to Carroll County.
Councilmember Randall Clark mentioned Mike Townsend, city codes enforcer, in the “other business” segment of the meeting. Clark said, “This is an observation that I have made. I have noticed that Mike has taken on additional jobs since being hired as codes enforcer. In addition, he also is now working as ADA compliance officer, as well as safety officer for the city. We should look at compensating him for those.”
Mayor Roger Pafford agreed. “With all he does, you can really see a big difference.”
Councilmember Travis Pierce followed with, “He is always willing when you ask him to do something.”
City attorney Marcus Noles explained Townsend’s pay is already “topped out” for the codes department, however; a stipend could be issued for the two additional jobs that equals to $1 more per hour. The council agreed.
After approving bids for uniforms for the various city departments and six new air cylinders and turn-out gear for the fire department, the meeting adjourned.