Held on Friday, Dec. 13, the annual BCSO’s Toy and Coat Giveaway was a very successful event again this year. The event began with 18 tables stocked full of toys, with plenty more items available to restock the tables.
Coordinator of School Health Corey Townsend donated food pantry items to give away as well. As the giveaway was only for Benton County children, it qualified as a pantry donation site.
Benton County Sheriff Kenny Christopher would like to thank all the individuals, organizations, and businesses that helped make this year’s giveaway such a great event. The Sheriff’s Assistant Allison Lambright said, “Cash Saver helped a ton, and we couldn’t have done it without the help of Jim Price, Charlotte Price, Phillip Ham, and our BCSO trustees volunteering to help set up and then distribute the items chosen by event participants.”
Additional thanks go out from BCSO to the Other Brothers Family for their huge donations, the Tennessee Valley Realtors, Walmart for letting BCSO set up there for collections, and to the New Beginning Church for allowing BSCO to use their facility for storage and a place to hold the giveaway.
“We are glad that the event was so successful this year, and look forward to holding it again next year,” said Christopher. “We are so appreciative of all of our partners and donors who help each year to make this giveaway work.”