Cars can end up costing us a lot of money, which is why you should be checking for issues frequently if you want to avoid additional expenses. With summer starting, it is a great time to check your vehicle and see how everything is running; now’s the perfect time to perform maintenance and updates. If you don’t know where to start, these general car maintenance tips can help.
It is important to keep an eye on your air filter because it stops dirt, debris, dust, and more from entering your engine and the car’s interior. You should change your filter once a year or every 12,000 miles. This will keep you from breathing in unhealthy air and prevent issues with the engine.
It’s important to change engine oil, coolant, and other fluids routinely to ensure your car is running properly. Take the time to research how to change each type of fluid for your specific vehicle. Having all your fluids in order will keep your car in good shape.
Another area of your car you should check is your tire pressure. Checking your tire pressure is easy—use a gauge and insert it into the valve stem of your tire. Then, compare the psi with the one located on the driver side door sticker or in the owner’s manual. You’ll also want to make sure you have the right tires for the upcoming season.
We dread the times when our cars don’t start. Typically, the battery is the culprit of our untimely luck. Check your battery and ensure that everything connects and consider cleaning it with a toothbrush and get rid of any build up. A healthy and clean battery is sure to keep your car powered.
You will need your windshield wipers year-round to keep yourself safe on the road. Test your windshield wipers to see if they are getting good coverage. A good indicator that you need new ones is if they are skipping, splitting, streaking, or squeaking. It is recommended you replace your windshield wipers every six months to a year—you don’t want to end up stuck in a dangerous situation where you can’t see on the road.
Your brakes are another major part to your car that needs to be working at its full potential. You don’t want your brakes to fail you on the road; if you hear a noise as you brake, or it takes longer than usual, this means you most likely need new ones.
It is vital that you keep your car clean on the inside as well as outside. Get a car wash once a month to prevent rust, and vacuum the inside regularly. You’ll also want to wipe down the inside and get a car detail a couple of times a year to ensure it’s in tip-top shape.