Must-Know Tips for Keeping Dogs Safe at Home

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Must-Know Tips for Keeping Dogs Safe at Home

Dog owners must always ensure their pet’s safety. However, uncovering all the hazards around the house can be challenging, especially for first-time owners. Use these must-know tips for keeping dogs safe at home when you’re looking for ways to update your property for the better.

Know Your Natural Décor

Potted plants are perfect when you want natural decor and a soothing atmosphere. But when you’re a pet owner, you must consider a few factors when selecting indoor plants.

Unfortunately, various household plants can be unhealthy or deadly to dogs. For instance, oleander and azalea are striking plants, but they’re poisonous to dogs.

Luckily, camellia is one of many plants that are beautiful and safe to have around pets. Don’t worry; even if you have a pup, you can find suitable, safe plants to have in or outside your home.

Properly Store Toxic Liquids

Beyond plants, harmful chemicals around the house can poison your dog. Luckily, there’s an easy solution; store your toxic chemicals where your dog can’t reach them.

Given that dogs can’t open doors or climb ladders, consider isolating these materials in a secure space like the garage. Sure, you know not to drink antifreeze, but this liquid is infamous for its sweet flavor and deadly side effects when dogs get a taste.

Monitor Their Daily Meals

As you can see, some of the best tips for keeping dogs safe at home relate to items around the house. However, the meals pet owners feed dogs have a significant impact on their health.

For instance, improper portion control frequently leads to dogs gaining too much weight. Likewise, pets require nutrition to maintain a healthy body every day, just like humans.

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