How To Ensure a Healthy and Safe Home

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Your home is supposed to be where you feel the safest. But hidden dangers can threaten your comfort and well-being. Continue reading to learn how to ensure a healthy and safe home for you and your family.

Use Proper Food Handling Practices

Foodborne illnesses can leave you stuck in bed for days. Make sure you’re constantly washing your hands before and after handling food, and keep raw meat away from other ingredients during your prep. If you’re unsure whether a particular food is safe, you’re better off throwing it away.

Prevent and Eliminate Pests Safely

Seeing bugs crawling around your home is a gross sight, and it can cause all kinds of health problems. Before using potentially toxic pesticides, however, you should attempt pest prevention. Make sure that you seal gaps in your flooring and walls and ensure that your kitchen of crumbs and grime.

Install and Check on Your Smoke Detectors

Make sure you install and properly maintain the smoke detectors in your home. You should place smoke detectors on each level of your house and in your bedrooms and kitchen. Try to test every alarm at least once a month and replace the batteries annually.

Radon Gas Can Be a Serious Health Threat

Radon gas can seep into your home through cracks in your foundation and cause severe health problems, including lung cancer. Purchase a testing kit and test your home every two years or whenever you experience lifestyle changes or home renovations. If you detect radon, you need to hire professionals to service your home as soon as possible.

Keep Your Home Clean

Cleaning your home offers many mental and physical benefits, especially when eliminating the potential for bacteria and germs to grow. A clean house also reduces your stress, which can lead to eating healthier, sleeping better, and moving your body more.

Your home should be your refuge away from the troubles of the outside world. When you ensure a healthy and safe home environment, you do your body and mind a huge favor.

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