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  • 4 Common Signs You Have a Technology Addiction

4 Common Signs You Have a Technology Addiction

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Everyone uses some technology in their daily lives, whether it’s a smartphone for social media, a laptop for work, or a tablet to keep track of household chores. Still, tech addiction is a real phenomenon. In fact, many people are at risk of a tech addiction without realizing it. Here are four common signs you have a technology addiction that you need to consider. If you experience any of these, take breaks from technology usage or seek professional help.

Mood Changes

A common sign of any addiction is frequent mood changes. This is especially pertinent with technology use as these devices can affect mental health. In fact, social media can increase depression and anxiety among users due to the constant stream of content. Whether positive or negative, this content can have adverse effects on teenagers still developing their brains, altering neurons to depend on tech use for happiness or self-worth.

Difficulty Sleeping

Also, if you’re someone who constantly loses sleep due to your technology usage, you may be at risk of addiction. Video games, smartphones, laptops, and other devices affect sleep quality more than you’d think. Many of these devices emit artificial light, impairing your circadian rhythm responsible for sleep and restfulness. Instead, you’ll feel irritable, restless, and unproductive in your real life. Consider these many ways to reduce screen time before bed so that you receive a proper night’s rest. This includes setting your device down at a certain time, choosing a non-electronic alternative, or resting your mind through meditation or deep breathing.

Unable To Control Tech Use

Another common sign you have a technology addiction is you lose control over tech use. While people use their smart devices for many things, like communication, exercise, to-do lists, etc., overusing technology can be a troubling sign. If you rely on your device for something other than its intended purpose, seek help. Many people falter and use their technology for hours at a time. This is troubling for your eyes and body and can lead to greater feelings of depression and anxiety.

Neglect Their Social Life

Lastly, don’t let technology affect your social, work, or school life. It’s important to live in the moment. People miss milestone moments because they rely on technology. For example, a sports game or stock highlights are not as important as living your life. Take breaks from your technology if you’re in a social, work, or school setting. Consuming too much technology can cause disruptions in your productivity and workflow, leading to greater safety and academic pressures. The last thing you want is to lose friends, get fired, or flunk out because of your tech usage.

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